望道號Logos Hope首訪高雄



*Church here means church as organization and believer of Christ.


導覽活動只讓教會參加的原因:The tour is only available for church because
- 我們是非營利組織,所以我們也不想從導覽活動去獲得利益,這就是我們之所以不對外開放導覽的原因。We are non-profit organization so we do not want to make profit from the tour that is why we don not open the tour for public.

- 因為我們位置和資源有限,所以我們只開放給教會參加。As we have limited slots and resources, we focusing the tour ONLY for church.


每梯次導覽時間 Tour Duration:45分鐘minutes

費用Cost:自由奉獻Free Offering

名額有限,欲報從速!Limited tour slots! Apply NOW!


Date & Time Available for Tour Booking


Click to see the time available for tour booking


預約方法 How to Apply


預約導覽截止日期:9月5日 Church tour booking will be closed on September 5.



Tours can ONLY be booked through LU-Kaohsiung team by sending your request through email (ONLY email) to christopher.barsulo@gbaships.org. This is to minimize the confusion. We will let you know by email and phone if your group can have the tour according to your request.


預約所需資料 Information required for tour booking:

1. 您的全名 (Your Full Name)
2. 教會團體/團契小組名稱 (Name of Church/Fellowship Group)
3. 預約導覽團人數 (Number of people in your group)
4. 您的聯絡Email及電話 (Your Contact Email & Phone Number)
5. 希望預約導覽的日期及時間 [*請務必閱讀以下重要須知,尤其是第1及2項) (Preferred Tour Date & Time) [*Make sure you have read the below requirements, especially for no. 1 & 2]


重要須知 Requirements


1. 一間教會一天只可以登記2隊導覽活動,這樣才能讓其他教會也有機會參加導覽。我們預計大部分教會登記的日期會在星期六,所以在星期六我們只接受每間教會登記1隊參加導覽。
One church can ONLY booked TWO tours a day so to give opportunity to other church to have tour. We expecting most churches will apply for tour on Saturday so on Saturday one church can booked ONLY one tour.

2. 每個導覽人數為10人,12歲以下的兒童必須有大人同行。每個隊伍至少要有5個人。
One tour contains of maximum 10 persons (including children). One children need to be accompanied by one adult. And minimum 5 person in the group to booked the tour.

3. 請從教會指派1位聯絡人。
Please assign ONE person from your church as your contact person.

4. 當地的國/台語導覽志工人數不足,假如在預約導覽時間沒有當地的志工配搭,那麼就 只能提供英文的導覽。
Local Taiwanese/Mandarin speaking tour guide is limited so if we DO NOT have Local tour guide on the day you booked the tour than you may have English tour guide.

5. 敬請明白導覽的數量有限,所以會以報名的順序為準,先搶先贏。導覽時段的最後決定權在於「望道號」。
Please do understand that tour slots are limited and booking will be following first come (booked) first serve base, and Logos Hope will have all the right for the final decision.

6. 假如導覽團體中的成員有使用輪椅和柺杖,那麼我們就必須向您說聲抱歉,沒辦法接 受您的導覽申請,因為整個導覽行程必須要上下爬許多樓梯。
We are sorry but we are not able to accept group with a member with wheel chair or crutch, as the tour will go up and down a lot of stairs.

7. 請在導覽開始前5分鐘到達望道號。
Please come 5 minutes before the tour start.

8. 請牢記預約導覽的時間。假如您的團隊遲到超過10分鐘,我們將取消您所預約的導覽。
We will CANCEL the tour if your group doesn’t appear in 10 minutes on the time you booked the tour.


Contact Logos Hope Kaoshiung Line-up Team


電話 Phone:(07)285-2600


 社團法人台灣OM世界福音動員會2016版權所有  Operation Mobilisation (Taiwan) 2016 All rights reserved









‧Logos Hope






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